
DxC: In Too Deep

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Literature Text

This is just a little DxC oneshot 2 tide u guys over with till I start my new series, so ya. It takes place on the island after the cooking challenge, so enjoy!!

“Is Duncan gonna be there??”

“Um, unless he doesn’t count as everyone at camp, then yes, he will be Courtney.”

Courtney sighed as she collected her pillow and night supplies. Why was she doing this again? Oh, right....because Chris demanded that all campers sleep in one cabin for the night, due to some kind of maintenance him and Chef were taking care of....

“Are you coming?” Bridgette asked, standing in the doorway in her baby blue pyjamas.  She cocked an eyebrow questioningly.

“Ugh, I suppose so. “ Courtney rolled her eyes as she padded her way behind Bridgette. They were the last girls to leave the Killer Bass Cabin, due in large part to Courtney freaking out that the boys would think her pyjamas were too revealing. Eventually Bridgette’s words of wisdom sank into Courtney’s stubborn CIT skull: the guy’s really wouldn’t care.

As the door to the Screaming Gopher cabin squeaked open, all eyes shifted towards Courtney and Bridgette. Courtney felt a tingle roll down her back as she caught a glimpse of the one and only Mr. Delinquent. Must’ve been the wind. She made her way inside, and noticed that the floors were covered in scratchy looking blankets and poorly stuffed pillows. She took another step forward. So far so good. No one seemed to be looking at her strangely because she was wearing a low cut tank top. And pyjama shorts. Courtney felt a jolt in her ribs as Bridgette nudged her forward.

“Hey guys, you’re just in time!” Trent said in his smooth voice. It always seemed to have just the right amount of cool edge to it.

“Ya, we’re picking out movies!!” Izzy bounced up and down way too happily, obviously she had already gotten into the supply of sweets sitting dangerously close to Owen.

Bridgette tugged once again at Courtney’s arm, and they both quickly seated themselves near the back. Courtney didn’t even notice who she was sitting beside....

“Wow, nice jammies.”

Courtney took in a painfully slow, laboured breath as she turned her body to face him. The guy she was sitting beside. The guy who just had to make a comment. Duncan.

“You know what?? Just...just...SHUT UP!!!” Courtney spat without thinking, and she crossed her arms viciously over her chest. She couldn’t help but overhear him snicker.

“Can we please do something already?? Before I bore myself to sleep?” Heather snapped moodily as she filed her nails. Courtney couldn’t help but notice the extra cushions surrounding her skinny little ass.

“Put in Saw, Sawwwwwwwww!!” Izzy hummed in a hypnotizing voice, and without hesitation she had already popped the DVD out of its case and put it into the temporarily set-up TV.

“Yesss!  Something I can actually watch!” Duncan stated in full agreement, a wide smile brimming across his face.

“I should’ve known you would watch that kind of stuff.”

Courtney watched as Duncan’s grin of agreement turned into his signature cocky smirk.

“Ya, blood and scaring people shitless are my personal faves.”

“No wonder you’re such a moron.”

“Hey, horror is full of mind disturbing action and trauma! Plus, it teaches you about anatomy.”

“Oh really? Well in my opinion its nothing but a bunch of childish garbage filled with unnecessary violence.”

“That I bet scares the pants right off your ass!” Duncan whispered sinisterly into her ear, and Courtney whipped her head away from him.

“No, actually it doesn’t.”

“We’ll see Princess!”

Courtney glared ahead of her as the room became engulfed in pure blackness. She could already feel her heart racing inside of her, but there was no way in hell she was gonna make that obvious to Duncan. A jolt of fear rushed through her body as a man appeared on the screen. Crap, she was acting really jumpy. Must.....remain....calm.

“You know if you want you can cuddle with me, it’s not like I bite.”

Courtney let her jaw drop dramatically. She could still see Duncan’s gleaming white teeth even in the darkness of the room.


“You know you wanna!”


“Ahuh right, like the thought never crossed your mind-“

“No it really didn’t.”

Duncan coughed something inaudible as Courtney shifted in her spot. She decided to divert her attention away from Him, so she turned to face the screen. That was a failure of an idea because she immediately screamed and flung herself towards the right, which of course equalled closer to Duncan. The little skeez. Courtney felt her hand gently touch the tips of his fingers, but pulled it away with a quick flail of embarrassment.

“Do you need me to hold your hand, Miss. Councillor in Training?” Duncan asked mockingly, and he reached out his hand in search of something to grab. Courtney slapped him mindlessly as she tried to make her glare penetrate through his thick skull. She shivered as she felt his hand brush along her thigh, which just happened to be uncovered.

“Don’t touch me Duncan!”

“Oh, you mean like this??” Duncan leaned inwards and skilfully wrapped his arm around the temporarily stunned Courtney. She breathed in an unsatisfied manner as she shifted her glare directly onto Duncan. She needed a distraction, something to get Duncan’s attention away from her....

“Why are you still in your day clothes??” Courtney slipped without thinking. She could already feel her conscience kicking her for saying that.

“Why, do you want me to take em off??” Duncan asked way too arrogantly, earning him an eye roll from Courtney.

“Please, save us the horror.” Courtney manually lifted Duncan’s arm off of her shoulders and let it plop down next to him. His stupid annoying grin was still perfectly noticeable through Courtney’s peripheral vision. Not like she was looking for it or anything. She was quickly distracted from her thoughts when she felt something poke at her arm. She turned around to find Bridgette passing her a bag of microwave popcorn.

“Pass it around.”

Courtney took it from her and sat it in her lap. The smell of artificial butter danced around her as she stuck her hand in and pulled out a messy handful. Within seconds the bag was being taken from out of her lap and placed right into Duncan’s rather precariously.

“You’re supposed to pass it around.”

“Mine now,” Duncan muttered through a mouthful of popcorn. Courtney shook her head in disgust.

“You are so rude!”

“Thanks!” Duncan said smugly as he reached into Courtney’s crossed legs and grabbed her remaining pile of popcorn. She spazzily rearranged her legs.

“Did it ever occur to you that I might want some??”


“Well can you pass it to me??”

Duncan shot her a grin, “Come and get it!”

Courtney’s competitive attitude instantly began to flare as she reached over Duncan’s lap and grabbed at the bag of popcorn. Just as she picked it up she felt it forcefully be shoved back down. Courtney looked up, only to see Duncan smiling mischievously down at her. She grabbed a handful of popcorn and ate it, her glare fixated unwaveringly on his stuck up face.

“You’re such an egotistical brat!”

“With all due respect Princess, I’m not the one lying overtop someone else’s lap...”

Courtney bit her lip and blushed, very thankful for the darkness that was now concealing her cherry red face. She got up without hesitation, brushing herself off in a preppy manner. She had to rid herself of all delinquent germs. Duncan just laughed quietly to himself as he devoured more popcorn. Then, without much warning, he placed his arm down beside Courtney and leaned very close to her body. Too close.

In order not to feel as awkward as she was feeling, Courtney laid down next to Duncan, trying to manoeuvre herself into a position that wasn’t in any way near him or in jeopardy of being manipulated by him. While getting into place, Courtney felt something lightly bounce off the back of her head. With a quick glance she saw a kernel of popcorn resting beside her, and just above it....a smug grin.

“Do you always have to piss people off?? Seriously, it’s so annoying!” she hissed, flicking the popcorn away from her view.

“Do you always have to comment about everything I do??” Duncan shot back, an eyebrow raised in overconfident anticipation of the answer they both already knew.

“I do not comment on everything you do Duncan.”

“Oh really?” Duncan asked in fake shock, and Courtney’s breath caught as she felt someone’s fingers crawling their way up her back. Her bare back. She flipped around viciously, slapping Duncan’s outstretched arm in one fearful action.

“I told you to stop touching me!! Is that really that difficult of a request??” Courtney snapped, but Duncan’s eyes were in no way apologetic. In fact, much to Courtney’s absolute revulsion, they were making their way up and down her body quite satisfactorily.

“You just had to comment, didn’t you?” Duncan stated teasingly, and Courtney flushed in anger and subconscious defeat of being proved wrong.

“You were invading my personal space Duncan!!” Courtney retaliated back sharply, but irritated shushes were now being sent their way from the other campers. Wonderful, now they knew she was sitting beside him...

“I hate you!” Courtney whispered heatedly, but for some reason she felt her face tingling in hot embarrassment. She could see Geoff up at the front sending Duncan a more than obvious thumbs up signal, and, knowing without even looking, she could just sense Duncan’s ridiculous little grin smeared across his face as he wallowed ludicrously in his pitiful accomplishments. The only thing he had really accomplished was pissing Courtney off, which was exactly why she was starting to shift her belongings as far away from him as possible. For the rest of the movie Courtney ignored Duncan’s multiple looks and comments, until he finally seemed to get the memo that she didn’t care in the slightest.

After the Movie...

“Hey you guys, why don’t we do something totally awesome and dirty, like.....Truth or Dare, or, or, or, Rainbow!!” Izzy suggested childishly, laughing as thoughts of the campers in their underwear filled her overly imaginative mind.

“It’s like, two in the morning Izzy, we should probably get to sleep,” Courtney replied with a snap, and much to her satisfaction, some of the other girls agreed with her.

They all started to shift into some kind of sleeping arrangement, and Courtney made sure to place her pillow as close to Bridgette’s as possible. But just as she was about to set down her pillow, another one took the unoccupied space before her. Courtney looked up irritatingly at a sleepy Geoff, who was completely oblivious to the issue he had just created. With an angry huff Courtney shifted over slightly. She couldn’t make up her mind whether she wanted to sleep closer to either Geoff or Duncan...

“Will this invade on your personal space??” the all too familiar voice muttered from behind her, and Courtney sucked in a large amount of air before she allowed her eyes to wander over to him again.

“Since when do you care?” Courtney tried to reply in as calm a tone as she could produce under the given circumstances.

“You’re right I really don’t,” and with that said Duncan plopped down next to Courtney, a childish smirk written all over his face. Definitely the wrong thing to say. Why did he always have to take advantage of things?  Courtney quickly turned around and laid her head on her pillow, which wasn’t providing the slightest bit of comfort. She could feel Duncan’s pale teal eyes penetrating her mocha brown hair, she could just tell he was waiting for her to say something or flip out at him. So not gonna happen.

“So are those the pyjamas you always wear, or did you put them on just for me??”

Courtney’s fists turned into balls of stifled rage as she swung around viciously, ruffling the blankets beneath her. She grabbed her pillow and placed it protectively in front of her body.

“Shut up!”

“It’s a free country!”

“Ya I bet that’s a tired out excuse of yours-“

“So what? At least I don’t deny everything-“

“What are you suggesting??”

“Oh nothing, Miss. Stuck-Up-Perfection seeking wannabe chick-“

“Your an egotistical little shit who’s so full of himself you can’t even-“

“SHUT THE HELL UP!!” everyone screamed at once, and Courtney and Duncan both stood their stunned, their mouths hanging open as if they had been paused midsentence.

“For God sakes, why don’t you two just get it on already??” Izzy yelled way too loudly, and everyone giggled in apparent agreement. Courtney’s jaw literally hit the floor as the room became filled with Duncan’s immature laughter, and her face probably turned every shade of red known to mankind. With one swift movement Courtney was off the floor and storming out the door, her full blown rage fest only further fuelling the snickers being produced from all the campers, namely Duncan.   


The wind whipped dangerously at Courtney’s hair as she slammed the door shut and stormed about in no apparent direction. The cold nipped at her bare skin, just further reminding her of what a mistake this whole night was. Not like she had a choice. She was forced beyond her will, forced to do something that normally would’ve made her cringe and start to rant about why guys and girls should not be sleeping together in the same room at such a young age. But for some reason she had kept her stupid mouth shut. And look what happened. Courtney felt blades of grass gently tickle her ankles as she neared the communal bathrooms. Maybe she could sleep in a bathroom stall...

“Hey, Miss. Overachiever!!”

Courtney stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes popped out of her skull, but she quickly regained her decency and replaced her look of shock with a look of anger and dissatisfaction before she turned around sharply to face that stupid punk.

“WHA-ohhhh,” Courtney’s breath caught as Duncan seemed to magically appear only millimetres away from her body, smiling down sweetly at her. No not sweetly...annoyingly. She took a few steps backwards, caught off guard by his fearless approach. Luckily her muscle memory intuitively began to kick in, and a deathly glare was shot Duncan’s way before Courtney turned around and started to march away again.

“Yo, drama queen, you can’t sleep out here,” Duncan commented in his attitude peppered voice. Courtney let out a huffy sigh of exhaustion as she turned back around, her hair wildly flailing around her shoulders.  

“Better then sleeping anywhere near YOU!!”

“It was just a joke.”

“Well do you see me laughing Duncan??”

An extremely awkward silence blanketed them, both teens caught up in their own thoughts for each other. But it didn’t take long for Duncan to replace his apparent vulnerability with his usual bravado.

“Well, whatever, I’m heading back-“

“NO!” Courtney instantly slapped her hand over her mouth, a bucket full of regret endlessly pouring more and more embarrassment onto her with each exasperated breath she took. Did she actually just say that out loud?? Both teens just stood there in complete and utter silence, one in horrific shock and the other one glowering in arrogant joy.

After about what seemed like an eternity, Courtney let out a defeated moan as she banged her back against the bathroom wall and slid down its rough exterior repentantly. The minute her butt touched the ground she clutched her knees to her face, desperately trying to hide all the embarrassment she was currently feeling. She felt Duncan’s presence soon form beside her.

“Uhh, I’m not really an expert with chick stuff, but um-“

Duncan stopped abruptly as Courtney rested her head on his shoulder. Even though every fibre in her body was resisting the action, and her brain was holding up a giant red stop sign telling her to stop this outrageous act of compassion, her conscience finally seemed to cave in. The dam to her heart had broken. Her head was now peacefully resting on Duncan’s shoulder, and it kinda felt......good. Courtney let out a shaky sigh, still slightly scared of her own actions. She looked up at the midnight blue sky, encrusted with starry white diamonds sparkling luminously. At this point, words really weren’t coming very freely, but one thing did seem rather appropriate to say-

“Don’t think this means I like you Duncan,” Courtney sighed softly, and she smiled mischievously up at Duncan’s just as amused face.  

“Nah, didn’t think it did.”

The two remained in that position for quite some time, just letting the night slip away carelessly. It was as if Courtney was wading in some imaginative kiddie pool, unsure of whether she should go any farther or just stay where she was. She could stay in the safety of the known, or wade into the abyss of the unknown.

“Hey Duncan,” Courtney breathed, she felt like she was splashing further away from safety.


“Um...” Courtney lifted herself gently off of his shoulder and stood up. At this point she wasn’t even sure of what she was doing. She didn’t even know why she was speaking. Duncan hastily stood up beside her.


Courtney didn’t know why she just said that. Duncan apparently didn’t either, because he was staring at her kinda strangely, but the biggest mystery to Courtney at that moment was why she felt herself inclining closer and closer towards Duncan’s face. She could feel her cheeks prickling with heat, her eyes fluttering closed, and her lips waiting in eager anticipation. It seemed she really did want a taste of the unknown. Just a taste of those punk lips of his. The temptation of this completely delusional, overly pierced, mega boneheaded, bad ass...well....guy....was plainly just too much for her to handle. One simple, totally not meaningful in any way kiss wouldn’t hurt anyone-

“Hey, Courtney, Duncan!! Are you....oops!”

As if an entire room full of mirrors had just smashed, Courtney’s fear of the unknown came hurdling back to her. Her eyes bulged as she looked upon a thoroughly embarrassed Bridgette, who was probably just worried about their whereabouts, but what was really concerning to Courtney was who was standing right in front of her-

“OWW!” Duncan yelled glaringly, rubbing his face fervently where Courtney had just not so gently slapped him.


“Whoa, nobody hit your buzzer-“

“You took advantage of me!!”

“You’re a sassy little liar!”

“AHH! I am NOT a liar Duncan, TAKE IT BACK!!!

Bridgette cleared her throat uneasily as their raging crossfire continued, not in any way wanting to get involved with them.

“Um, you guys...”

“Street addict!”

“Drama queen!”

“Unlawful waste of life!”

“Phony little Starbucks drinker!”


“Unhygienic skeez ball!”

“Spoiled little Daddy’s girl!”

“Uncivilized punk!”

“Pole-butted do gooder!”

“Ridiculously egotistical loser of a criminal!”

“Gossip obsessing overly peppy princess of doom!”

“YOU GUYS!!” Bridgette screamed above the argument with all her might, and Courtney and Duncan stopped instantly, the fact that she was still there just beginning to doom on them. Bridgette’s surfer body heaved with heavy breaths, her face twisted up into a knot of agitated fury. “Okay, I get that you don’t like each other, in fact, you really hate each other, but can we please go back to the cabins??”

Courtney and Duncan both just stood there, looking as if they had been reprimanded by the school principal or something. Bridgette turned around and started to make her way back, and the two quarrellers were quick to follow. Courtney kept giving side glances to Duncan every two seconds, just narrowly missing his searching eyes each time she turned her head away.

“I still hate you,” Courtney whispered dangerously, her sharp words slicing through the otherwise serene night.

“I hate you too,” Duncan shot back, his spicy tone just as blunt.

As they approached the doors Courtney fought to get in before Duncan, causing them both to struggle their way in at the same time. The CIT was more than pleased to see just about every camper staring at their entrance, some with looks of confusion, some with looks of exasperation, and still others who looked like they just wanted to get some sleep. Courtney couldn’t help but let out a sigh, one that was filled with about a million different emotions flooding out all at once. She had taken the risk. She had totally submerged herself right into the hands of that punk, and she got pulled right out in the process. At this point, Courtney knew she was in way over her head. But the waterfall of emotions cascading over her body, the cool, refreshing feelings she had felt just mere moments ago were so rewarding, so enticing, she knew she couldn’t back out now. She was in too deep. But maybe, just maybe, she’d be able to get Duncan to pull her back to reality.....maybe.

The end :D
Ok like I said, just a cute little oneshot 2 tide u guys over till I start Guns & Kisses. and I won't even comment on this, cus u guys all know how I feel about my stories...

**All TDI characters property of Fresh TV**
© 2009 - 2024 Lilac-Lenalee
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